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Excavator working to remove unstable soils and surface water ponding in the background
Sediment and Erosion Control Channel
Site inspection of erosion and sediment control measures
Field survey - review along edge of watercourse
still shot from video footage within a sewer pipe

LDS Community Development and Water Resources staff have extensive experience in conceptual and detailed design, file management through the approval process, coordination of sub-consultants, preparation of feasibility studies, contract preparation, the tendering process and contract administration, and construction inspection.

Our services include:


Site and Grading Plans

LDS can prepare conceptual Site Plans and Lot Plans for consultation purposes, leading through to the preparation of detailed design drawings. Site grading considerations may also include cut-fill analysis to achieve a balanced site, where possible.  

Master Servicing and Drainage Plans (Subdivisions)

Servicing plans include storm and sanitary sewer analysis, watermain distribution analysis, preparation of Servicing Plan and Profile drawings, and may include co-ordination of subconsultants to prepare Street Lighting Plans.

MECP Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECA)

LDS staff can assist with ECA submissions and approvals for stormwater and sanitary discharges which are regulated under the Environmental Protection Act, and the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990.

Noise Studies

A Noise Study is carried out during the planning process when a new sensitive land use, such as a residential subdivision is being planned in proximity to an arterial roadway, a rail corridor and/or an industry.

Traffic Management Plans

A Traffic Management Plan describes procedures and protocols for site access, traffic routing and management.


Stormwater Management Strategies

A Stormwater Management Planning is required to mitigate the effects of urbanization on the hydrologic cycle including increased runoff, and decreased infiltration of rain and snowmelt.  Stormwater Management Plans are prepared in accordance with the current MOECC Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual.

Site Plan Consultation and Application 

The Site Plan process involves a review of the pertinent municipal policies and consultation with city planning staff leading up to and including the submission of a site plan application pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act. 

Plan of Subdivision Consultation and Application

The Plan of Subdivision process involves a review of the pertinent municipal policies and consultation with city planning staff leading up to and including the submission of a site plan application, pursuant to Section 50 of the Planning Act. 


Water Balance Analysis -  Urbanization can cause detrimental changes to the hydrology of natural features such as wetlands, woodlands and watercourses. A water balance analysis is completed to demonstrate that hydrological regimes can be maintained to acceptable levels under post-development conditions.


Sediment and Erosion Control Plans

Construction activities can accelerate erosion dramatically, mainly by exposing large areas of soil to rain and running water. If runoff is not properly controlled and treated, the outcome can lead to sediment discharge to nearby watercourses and natural heritage features. Sediment and Erosion Control Plans identify the measures to be implemented at the site to control erosion and sedimentation on construction sites.

Contract Tendering and Administration

LDS services include preparation of contract drawings and specifications, hosting pretender meetings and fielding inquiries through the tendering process, tender closing, review of submissions and recommendations for contract award.  LDS is able to act as the contract administrator between the Owner and the Contractor.

Technical Expert Services

Providing technical support for OMB Hearings & LPAT Hearings including:  preparation of document/evidence brief; preparation of exhibits; co-ordination with legal representation; attending hearings and providing expert testimony.

Survey and Construction Layout

LDS survey staff are able to provide topographic surveys, and carry out site layout for construction projects, in accordance with engineering design plans.

Construction Inspection

LDS field staff are qualified to carry out construction inspections to confirm that project specifications and municipal standards are satisfied during construction. 

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