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Since its inception in 2013, LDS has had the privilege of working with a diverse set of clients.  We use a collaborative approach with all of our clients to help them complete high-quality projects. We are proud to showcase our work, with some of our featured projects outlined below.


Residential Projects

The Neighbourhoods of Sunningdale

Corlon Properites Inc.

London, Ontario

We are thrilled to be involved in the residential developments which shape the future of the Sunningdale area in the north end of the City of London.  Our services to Corlon  Properties have included Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Services, Community Development and Subdivision Design, Stormwater Management, Environmental Services, Contract Administration, Site Observation, and Inspection and Testing Services. We look forward to continuing our involvement through the development of the upcoming phases of The Neighbourhoods of Sunningdale!

Sunningdale Villages streetscape

© 2019 LDS Consultants Inc.

Municipal Infrastructure Projects

Large Diameter Maintenance Structure

Fanshawe Park Road, London

LDS designed a servicing connection for a new gas station located on Fanshawe Park Road, which is one of the busiest commuter routes in the City of London.  The design required a large diameter maintenance structure to be installed within the travelled lanes of the roadway. The structure was comprised of three pieces, a base slab weighing nearly 8350 kg, a free standing concrete riser weighing nearly 26,000 kg and a transition slab which supported the access riser.  With materials supplied by Coldstream Concrete and working with CH Excavating, the installation was completed with limited road closures and in a timely manner!  This installation was featured in the Canadian Concrete Pipe & Precast Association, Concrete Pipe Journal, Fall 2019.  See the link below for the feature article!

Check back here as new and exciting projects are added!

Various project sites with profile drawing in background
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