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Truck-mounted drill-rig advancing boreholes in roadway
View along valley slope for slope stability assessment
rebar placement in strip footing

LDS Geotechnical staff have experience with a broad range of sites and projects, including geotechnical investigations and engineering consultation, hydrogeological assessments, along with inspection and materials testing for various types of new development and rehabilitation projects.

Our services include:


Geotechnical & Site Characterization Investigations - 

Geotechnical Investigations are carried out with the use of soil and groundwater information collected from the site using boreholes or test pits.  Engineering design recommendations are provided for the geotechnical aspects of the project.

LDS has priority status with subcontracted private utility locators, drilling and excavating contractors, and analytical laboratories, and pass on the scheduling and pricing savings to our clients.

Slope Stability Assessments

Slope stability assessments and investigation are prepared to determine safe development setbacks with regard for appropriate factors of safety.  Our staff are familiar with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Technical Guidelines for Assessing Erosion Hazard Limits for River and Stream Systems, and for Lake Systems, and with various Shoreline Management Plans.  This work often requires coordination and consultation with local Conservation Authorities.

Septic System Design (OBC Septic, less than 10,000 L/day)

The construction and installation of private septic systems up to a daily design sewage flow of 10,000 litres per day are regulated under the Ontario Building Code (OBC).  LDS staff are well versed in the OBC requirements for the conventional Class 4 septic systems and can prepare septic system designs, provide inspection during construction, and provide recommendations for operation and maintenance, as needed.

Hydrogeological Assessments 

Hydrogeological Assessments are carried out to collect site-specific information regarding the hydrogeologic and hydrologic site characteristics.  Coordination with natural heritage and water resource consultants and civil design engineers is often included to assess potential impacts to natural heritage features, as it relates to changes from existing to proposed post-development conditions.

Permits to Take Water & Environmental Activity Sector Registry Submissions

Construction dewatering and permanent dewatering of structures and building foundations which reach threshold volumes of discharge water are subject to review and approval by Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).  LDS can assist with the preparation of Permit to Take Water applications and EASR submissions, along with assistance to submit annual reporting data.

Sediment and Erosion Control Plans

LDS is able to prepare sediment and erosion control plans and carry out environmental monitoring for various stages of development, from both a civil engineering and geotechnical perspective.   We can provide inspectors which have current knowledge of applicable regulations, and have attended Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC) training modules.

Inspection and Materials Testing

LDS field staff are able to provide the following inspection and testing services:

  • Foundation inspection of footings, caissons, and shoring

  • Subgrade review.

  • Weeping tile inspection.

  • Inspection of concrete reinforcing steel.

  • Compaction control using nuclear density gauges, and associated laboratory testing.

  • Concrete sampling and testing in conjunction with subconsultant CSA-certified laboratory.

  • Coordination of subconsultants for building envelope inspection services, such as roofing inspections, and structural steel review.

  • Pavement evaluation and Benkleman Beam testing.

  • Sediment and erosion control inspections, including turbidity testing for discharge water.

Technical Peer Review Services 

Senior Staff are able to provide technical third-party review services on geotechnical reports, hydrogeological reports, and inspection and testing records. 

Technical Expert Services

Senior Staff are able to provide technical support for LPAT Hearings, including:  preparation of document/evidence brief; preparation of exhibits; coordination with legal representation; attending hearings and providing expert testimony.

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